Christian Dior

The Handbags & Accessories auction consistently features a wide range of Dior items, including clothing, handbags, and accessories.

Each product undergoes thorough validation to ensure authenticity and quality before being presented for auction. Christian Dior revolutionized global elegance with his iconic 1947 debut collection, a vision that continues to inspire bold and imaginative exploration today.

In the 1950s, Dior introduced the luxurious New Look, which established stringent fashion guidelines for women. His influential "Little Dictionary of Fashion" highlighted the importance of changing handbags throughout the day, emphasizing simplicity for daytime and elegance for evening affairs.

According to the standards of the era, a "good" day bag required the finest exotic skins and meticulous craftsmanship. The Christian Dior Lady Dior bag stands as a timeless symbol of excellence and sophistication in the world of fashion.

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