
Fine Art, Prints & Multiples

Our Fine Art, Prints, and Multiples team are seasoned experts who possess a deep understanding of the art market's multifaceted landscape.

With their extensive knowledge and a passion for fine art, they curate items that feature an eclectic mix of traditional and contemporary pieces, as well as limited-edition prints and multiples.

The team handles a diverse range of artworks, including prints, lithographs, etchings, serigraphs, woodcuts, and more. The auctions showcase not only rare and valuable original prints but also more affordable editions that are accessible to a wider audience.

We offer pieces across a range of price points, making it possible for both seasoned collectors and newcomers to start or expand their art collections. Our friendly and helpful team is always available to provide guidance and insights to those exploring the world of art for the first time.


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We make it easy to sell. If you have an item that you feel will be a good match for this department. Start a valuation or contact us.



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Fine Art, Prints & Multiples Team Members

Alison Snowdon
Alison Snowdon

General Valuer

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Chloe Hartley
Chloe Hartley

Junior Cataloguer

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