In this addition of How to Spot a Fake, we take a closer look at the creation of Hermès bags and how to identify which ones are real and which are fake.
The Hermès Brand
Established in 1837, Hermèsis a French Luxury design house and manufacture. They specialise in crafting exquisite clothing and jewellery, but they are more commonly known for their handbags. Iconic designs include the Kelly Bag, named after actress and princess Grace Kelly, and the Birkin Bag, inspired by English actress Jane Birkin. Such bags have become icons of exclusive luxury due to the bags only being available to repeat customers who have purchased from the French designer before.
How to Spot a Fake Hermès Bag.
Overall Appearance
First of all, and the most obvious point, does it look like a Hermès bag? Dose it have all the features it should have, and is it the right size and shape?
Hermès bags always have a branded zipper pull. They also use high-quality metals, the weight thickness of which is a crucial sign if it real or not, as fake manufacturers often use lower-quality thinner metals.
Hermès is known for using exceptionally high quality leather on all their products. If the leather does not feel rich, then the bag is one to ditch.
Although Hermès is known for their fine leather and silk good, at the heart of their company they are saddle makers. Before the Birkin and Kelly bags, Hermès crafted made-to-measure saddles from 1880 onwards. They make connections to this long history of saddle making by continuing the use of the saddle stich method on their bags. Therefore, look out for the use of saddle stitching on the bag to see it is fake or real. It should be precise, flat and tight.
How to Spot a Fake Hermès
Branding and fonts
No matter where on the bag the branding is, it should be immaculate. This is often where fake manufactures can be seen as it is difficult to create exact replicas. If there is a difference between the fonts, sizing, depth or event sharpness of the corners and edges of the branding and typography on the bag, then is it a sign that it is a fake.
The Lock and Key
The lock on a Hermès bag should be flawless and have a smooth surface. A good way to figure out is it is fake is also taking a look at the size and shape, do they match up? The lettering on the locks should also be elegant and seamless. Additionally, compare the key size and shape too. It is an obvious one but does it fit the lock? Often fake manufactures make the key look toy-like, so if it looks cheap, it probably is.
Lastly, does the bag come with paperwork? if it does, what does it say? Does it reveal any provenance or credibility? Paperwork often can be the best source to figuring out if your Hermès bag is fake or not. However, authenticity cards do not exist with Hermès Bags. So if you get given one you know its a fake.
This content is a statement of opinion only and intended solely for educational purposes. Fellows does not accept any liability for the correctness of such opinions. We aim to provide potential buyers with information to help them make decisions about whether to bid on a particular lot. Buyers must satisfy themselves as to the authenticity of any item(s) before they place a bid.
Hermès at Auction
-, 'How to Spot a Fake Hermès Handbag', 24 November 2022, <>
- LUX Responsible Culture, 'Hooves and History: Behind Hermès' Acient Ethos', <>
- Lisa Santandrea, 'How to Spot a Fake Hermès Birkin Bag', 1st Dips: The Study, <,to%20attach%20tabs%20to%20bags>
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